Are Pantry Moths Hard To Get Rid Of In Anaheim? | A-1 Bonded Termite, Inc.

indian meal moth in pantry

They may not be the biggest moth you'll see around your Anaheim home, but pantry moths can be some of the most problematic. In fact, it's entirely possible to have these moths living in your home without ever seeing them at all. 

Pantry moths are nocturnal and generally stay well hidden during the day, only emerging at night to seek out a mate and reproduce. Signs that you might have pantry moths in your home include:

  • Finding your dry foods clumped together.
  • An unpleasant odor in your pantry.
  • A trail of webs along the corners of your pantry or even on top of your food.

If you notice signs of pantry moths in your home, don't hesitate to call the Anaheim pest control professionals to help eliminate these problematic pests.

Why Are There Pantry Moths In My Pantry?

Pantry moths get their name for a reason. Adult moths will lay their eggs in dried foods to provide their offspring with plenty to eat as they develop. The pantry moth lifecycle begins with as many as 400 eggs per moth deposited into food such as grains, cereals, bread, pasta, or flour. After seven days, these eggs hatch into larvae that begin to feast on whatever food they have been laid within. These larvae pass through five stages of development before larval feeding ends, and they begin to look for a place to pupate. After two to three weeks in the pupa stage, pantry moths emerge into adults and look solely to breed and reproduce. 

The bulk of a pantry moth's existence takes place in the larval stage when they feast upon items commonly found in pantries. They are hard to spot because they are nocturnal and only emerge at night to feed. These larvae will bury themselves inside the food source during the day to avoid detection. Adult moths are drawn to artificial lighting and often find their way into our kitchens, where there are ample opportunities to lay their eggs in a variety of foods. 

Can Pantry Moths Eat Through Plastic?

So how do pantry moths get into food? These pests are surprisingly adept at boring through food packaging like cardboard or paper wrappings, or even thin plastic. You may even find them inside tightly sealed containers. The reason for this is that often they have already infested your food before you bring it home. 

Pantry moths in Anaheim often lay their eggs in dried goods held in storage spaces such as warehouses or grocery stores. For this reason, it is important to check your food carefully before bringing it home. Any food that seems like it has clumps or visible webs should never be brought home. It's also important to cycle the items in your pantry, use up older stores before new ones, and never mix new products with the old ones. 

Where Do Pantry Moths Lay Their Eggs?

Pantry moth eggs are laid directly into the food the larvae will subsist on. Once the eggs hatch the larvae will bury themselves deep within the food and only come out at night to feast. Once they get their fill they move out to pupate and make the transition into adult moths. 

If you are wondering what it means to see a moth flying through your home, the answer is one of two things. You either have an infestation of pantry moths who have just emerged into adults, or this adult moth is looking to begin an infestation in your pantry. Because they lay hundreds of eggs at a time, it only takes one moth to begin an infestation. 

What Should I Do To Make Pantry Moths Go Away Permanently?

Pantry moth larvae contaminate food and can spread a variety of viruses and bacteria that affect our health as well as that of our pets. If you are wondering how to get rid of pantry pest moths in your home before this happens, the answer is simple: pest control services from A-1 Bonded Termite. We can get pantry moths out of your home and help you ensure they don't return in the future. Give us a call today to find out more about the services we offer and how we can keep your pantry free of moths and other pests!